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We strive to maintain effective corporate governance and meet our responsibilities to our stockholders, to create value for the long term. Through the oversight of our Board of Directors and implementation of robust internal processes and controls, we believe our corporate governance structure accomplishes these goals. Some highlights of our corporate governance program include:

  • Our Standard of Ethics and Code of Corporate Conduct guides our directors, officers and employees in the ethical performance of their duties.
  • Our Board of Directors has established Corporate Governance Principles as a framework for effective governance by the Board and management.
  • Each of our five Board committees has implemented carefully-drawn charters to govern their operation and compliance with all SEC, NYSE and other applicable requirements, as well as implementation of appropriate best practices.
  • Our Board is currently entirely comprised of independent directors (with the only exception being our CEO, De Lyle Bloomquist), each of whom brings unique experiences, skill sets and perspectives to the governance and oversight of the company, for the benefit of our stockholders.
  • Our Audit, Compensation and Management Development, Nominating and Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committees are currently comprised entirely of independent directors.
  • We have robust processes in place for the reporting of any governance or compliance concerns.
  • Our governance structure, including our key governance documents, charters, practices and processes, are reviewed regularly to ensure that all legal requirements are being met, and that appropriate best practices that enhance stockholder value are being implemented.

We strongly believe that effective, ethical corporate governance promotes the long-term interest of our investors and enhances stockholder value.

Governance Documents

Description Downloads
Corporate Governance Principles Download
Standard of Ethics and Code of Corporate Conduct (EN) Download
Standard of Ethics and Code of Corporate Conduct (FR) Download

Committee Charters

Description Downloads
Compensation and Management Development Committee Charter Download
Audit Committee Charter Download
Sustainability Committee Charter Download
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter Download
Finance and Strategic Planning Committee Charter Download